Ingrida Kim meets Seif Ali Idd

The Press-secretary of the International Diplomatic Club "Amicability" Ingrida Kim was honored to meet Seif Ali Idd, the Second Vice President of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar. During the meeting many aspects of the cooperation between Zanzibar-Tanzania and Russia were discussed. Mr. Ali Idd was elated to know that the only African country Russian Government allows citizens to visit during this hard time of Covid-19 is Tanzania. This shows strong and firm relationships between countries have been maintained for many years.

Considering the economy of the country, the Vice-President explained about the downfall of the Tourism Industry since it is one of the main income items to citizens and the Government of Zanzibar. The situation gets better and hopefuly will stabilize after the Tanzanian general election of 2020.

Mr. Ali Idd explained Tanzania will have an Election at end of October. The current government finishes their term. Zanzibar-Tanzania is a inited nation which holds a peaceful election monitored by the Independent National Election Commission.

The Vice-President assured that his esteemed office is ready to cooperate with the IDC "Amicability" and Russia in different working aspects.

The International Diplomatic Club "Amicability" is looking forward to cooperating with the Government of Zanzibar. And the honorable Vice-President Seif Ali Idd promised that our cooperation will stay on high level.