India Energy Office – a New Stage in Indian-Russian Energy Relations. Report by Yulia Zuban

A significant event for Russia and India have taken place on March, 2nd - the opening of the India Energy Office(IEO) in Moscow. The platform, created at the initiative of the five largest Indian oil and gas companies, will determine the development of energy relations not only between Moscow and Delhi, but also of the whole world. Yulia Zuban will tell everything about Indian-Russian relations in the enegy sector.

For Russia such relations with India are very promising. While European countries are changing traditional energy sources to green energy, the demand of rapidly developing Asian countries for energy resources is only growing, which makes cooperation beneficial for both parties.

India today is one of the countries with rapid growth of economy, which at the same time has not yet reached its full potential. This is evidenced by the largely agrarian nature of the economy and the high proportion of people without education in the country. However, despite all the problems that still exist, the country is confidently moving along the course of global development and industrialization, in which energy security is the first priority.

Until now, Russia and India have already implemented several successful joint projects in the energy sector. First, the Kudankulam nuclear power plant is worth mentioning. It was built by Russia in the southern Indian state of Taminlad. Joint work on the power plant has been going on since the late 1990s, and in 2013 it was commissioned. The nuclear power plant is the largest in India, two power units are currently in operation, and four more are planned to be built.

Investments in projects significant for both parties are also an important part of energy cooperation between countries. To ensure the energy security of the country, for India it is important to participate in the process of resource extraction, including one in other countries. Since 2006 India and Russia has been together developing oil and gas fields on the Sakhalin shelf. Moreover, in 2008 the Indian company OVL acquired Imperial Energy company, which developed fields in the Tomsk region. In 2016 OVL also acquired 15% in the Vankor field from Rosneft company, later signing an agreement to purchase another 11%. Joint projects in the field of liquefied natural gas (LNG) production and the development of the Arctic shelf are promising too.

Cooperation between countries within a multilateral format is also important, primarily within the BRICS and RIC (Russia - India - China). Thanks to the exchange of views within the framework of these organizations and a joint vision of world problems, three countries were able to successfully establish cooperation in many fields, including in the energy sector.

All in all, it can be seen that cooperation between two countries, which are so significant both economically and politically, will lead to common prosperity. We fully support the idea of ​​establishing the India Energy Office and will look forward to future milestones in the Russian-Indian Energy Partnership.

О дипломатии, мире и творчестве. Встреча международного клуба “Amicability”

10 февраля профессиональный праздник отметили российские дипломаты- люди, посвятившие свои таланты и интеллект защите интересов Родине. Но в наше время немалую роль играет и народная дипломатия, объединяющая всех желающих внести свой вклад в укрепление мира и взаимопонимания между народами. В День Дипломатического работника международный клуб "Amicability" предложил своим друзьям и партнерам обсудить новые проекты, призванные способствовать межкультурному диалогу и сотрудничеству.

После традиционного приветствия Президента клуба "Amicability" Сергея Дворянова слово взял Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол Гренады в Российской Федерации и странах СНГ Олег Фирер. Рассказав аудитории о трудностях и вызовах современной дипломатии, господин Фирер подчеркнул, что Гренада остается одной из самых мирных стран Карибского бассейна и открыта к честному диалогу со всеми государствами, который приобретает особое значение в эпоху социальных сетей и попыток влиять на общественное мнение.

Тему дороги к миру и гармонии продолжил Президент Межрегиональной Общественной организации "Федерация Кундалини Йоги" Александр Михелев. Члены Федерации не только помогают всем желающим освоить технику упражнений и медитации, но и пропагандируют здоровый образ жизни, а также предлагают специальную программу для пожилых "Золотой возраст" и организуют масштабные фестивали, ближайший из которых состоится на берегу Черного моря в августе 2021 года.

В продолжение вечера мы узнали о перспективном проекте Игоря Минина "Волны мира", в том числе марафоне "Вода четырех океанов" и замечательной идее Ольги Веди- премии "Гордость цивилизации", предназначенной для людей любого возраста и национальности, сумевших раскрыть и развить свои таланты. Президент клуба Сергей Дворянов анонсировал вручение награды "Гордость цивилизации" в Москве 24 апреля нынешнего года, а также уникальную художественную выставку "Дружба на века" в старинном особняке Посольства Армении, запланированную на третье апреля.

В заседании также приняли участие художники Анна Быкова и Тамерлан Таучелов; Руководитель Федерации Москвы по ПРБ FCF-MMA, Чемпион Мира по полноконтактному Рукопашному бою FCF-MMA, общественный деятель Роман Грачев и проректор по международной работе Института мировых цивилизаций Зарина Битиева.

Moskow is the Third Rome. Russia is the Hope of Humanity

"Moscow is the third Rome, and there will be no fourth!" - the famous formula of the monk of the Pskov Eleazarov Monastery Philotheus has become the refrain of the International Conference.

The International Conference "Dialogue of Traditions - Spiritual Harmony of the Civilization of the Future" was held in Moscow On February 2, 2021. Spiritual leaders and community activists gathered at the World Trade Center in Moscow in order to celebrate together the World Interfaith Harmony Week, which is celebrated around the world in accordance with a UN resolution. This significant cultural event was organized by the International Diplomatic Club "Amicability" in partnership with the BRICS Interntional Forum, the Federation for World Peace and the International Business Club “Millenium”.


Artur Khachtryan, the vice-president of BRICS Interntional Forum, was the author of the idea of ​​holding the conference and suggested bringing together spiritual and public leaders to discuss the future development of civilization on the basis of humanity, dialogue, and effective cooperation.

The conference was opened by Petros Yesayan, rector of the Armenian Catholic Church in Moscow, vicar of the Archbishop of the Armenian Catholic Church in Russia, protoarchimandrite. In his speech, Father Petros congratulated everyone on the Feast of the Presentation of the Jesus Christ, which is celebrated by Catholics on February, 2 and noted that today, in the era of a pandemic the whole world needs the support of spiritual leaders.

Sergey Afanasiev, President of the State Fund for the Development of the North-West, Honorary President of the International Business Club "Millennium" in his speech also reflected the historical experience of Russia in dialogue of traditions, religions, cultures. The goal of the Millennium Club is to unite representatives of international business who adhere to the principles of humanity and responsibility to solve acute tasks of modern society.

Sergei Dvoryanov, President of the International Diplomatic Club "Amicability", Ambassador fie Peace, Ph.D., noted that Russia, as a unique civilization, has a great and responsible spiritual mission - the spiritualization of humanity. Great Russian philosophers, primarily Orthodox saints have spoken about unconditional, universal Love. The message of Orthodox saints is a guarantee of the salvation of modern civilization.

Artur Khachtryan, Chairman of the Union of Armenians of Kamchatka and international public figure in his speech emphasized: “Historically, it so happened that at all times the Russian people and the Armenian people were next to each other. The friendship of the two fraternal nations has gone through many difficulties and trials. Russians and Armenians are united by common faith and common spiritual Christian values​​”. According to Artur Khachtryan, Vice President of BRICS International Forum, preserving true traditional values, educating young people in a spirit of service, respect for elders, respect for the achievements of great figures of the fatherland, for native history today is one of the most important tasks of Russia, as well as of all countries of the international BRICS alliance.

Specially invited speaker of the conference, a guest from the USA - Ambassador of Peace Mahatma Sri Prem Prayojan Prabhu - made a systematic report: "Dialogue of traditions is the basis of spiritual harmony. Russia as a global peacemaker”. Sri Prem Prayojan noted the formative role of national leader Vladimir Putin in creating conditions for spiritual dialogue and understanding the role of the state in supporting true values. The spiritual leader of the Vaishnava community also quoted the most important sayings from the report of the President of Russia at the World Forum in Davos. At the end of his report, he noted that today Russia is the spiritual hope of all mankind.

In solemn atmosphere, Dmitry Samko, the representative of the Federation for World Peace, and Oleg Firer, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Grenada to Russia, together with the representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Mauritius in Russia, Mr. Roy D. Bissundoyal, presented honorary diplomas "Ambassador for Peace" to well-known cultural and public figures, including the President of the State Fund for the Development of the Northwest Sergey Afanasyev, the author of the UN Women's Space Message Olga Afanasyeva, artist Anastasia Barzhan and international public activist Artur Khachtryan, who was awarded this honorary title for strengthening the Russian-Armenian friendship. During the awarding ceremony, Ambassador for Peace Artur Khachatryan emphasized: “Today the whole world clearly understands that at this turning point in history it is Russia that is a global peacekeeping force. Russia has managed to unite, integrate all peoples living on its territory on the basis of mutual respect, in movement towards a common goal - service to society, neighbor, spiritual self-knowledge".

Mahatma Sri Prem Prayojan Prabhu was awarded an honorary Russian public award provided by the Mirotvorest (Peacemaker) World Alliance - the Mirotvorets Gold Star - for his contribution in strengthening the dialogue of traditions and cultures, popularizing the ideas of peace and interfaith harmony. At the end of the conference, Tamerlan Tauchelov, an artist from Ossetia, whose two works "The Face of the Savior" and "The Halo of the Third Rome" became the key visual message and "calling card" of the event, presented the President of the International Diplomatic Club "Amicability" Sergei Dvoryanov his author's work "Melody of the Flute Prince".

How to Combine Business and New Year Celebration: Presentation of Neptune Floating Villa in Moscow

Despite all the difficulties of 2020, business life in the capital does not stop. It proves the presentation of the unique project Neptune Floating Villa by the Arab businessman Mohammed El Bahrawi. The international mix of media stars, famous politicians and businessmen, diplomats and artists gathered at the 4 Seasons Hotel on December 18 to see themselves the the dream of the Neptune company come true.

Moreover, the event itself became an original mix of business and diplomacy, formal presentation and a holiday concert, rationality and New Year spirit. The reason for this is that the event was organized, on the one hand, by the international organization BRICS+, and on the other, by the Egyptian company Neptune. BRICS+ is a non-governmental international organization dedicated to a wide range of humanitarian issues in the Middle East. Neptune representatives came to present their own project, which consists in the construction of a hotel on the water in Dubai. The combination provided a unique atmosphere of the event all guests will long remember.

To begin the presentation, Ksenia Sobchak, hostess of the event, gave the floor to Mohammed El Bahrawi. The businessman noted that Moscow is his second home, and that is why he decided to present his project on the Russian market, provoking a genuine ovation from the guests. On behalf of BRICS+, the floor was given to the vice-president of the organization Sergey Dvoryanov and two-time world champion in sport dancing Yulia Prokip. Mr. Dvoryanov noted the festive atmosphere of the event and promised further development of cooperation with the entire Middle East, and Mrs. Prikip announced a new BRICS+ project, the annual Global Business Award ceremony dedicated to the most successful business projects of the year.

The guests attention was also focused on the guests of this evening: world-famous music producer and two times Grammy-winner Nadir Hayat, better known as RedOne, as well as film director and producer of Jackie Chan Song In Hee. Despite the the Covid-19 pandemic, these world-famous personalities had the opportunity to attend the presentation in Moscow, and, moreover, both expressed interest in the El Bahrawi project. Who knows, maybe floating houses will soon appear in Morocco or China? However, Philip Kirkorov competed with eminent foreign guests, showing that Russia is also interested in the development of such a unique project.

The final chord of the event was the New Year concert, which gave the guests incredible emotions, making them believe that in the next year not only all business ideas, but all our dreams and hopes will come true!

Международная конференция Дипломатического клуба “Духовный и гуманистический потенциал России”

4 декабря состоялась международная конференция «Духовный и гуманистический потенциал России», организованная Международным дипломатическим клубом «Amicability» при поддержке Федерации за всеобщий мир, Международного альянса народов мира и региональной организации «Наставник».

В ходе конференции знаковым событием стала церемония награждения должностью «Посол мира» общественных лидеров. Новыми послами мира стали Александр Шапиро-Сулейман, Ольга Окерешко, Екатерина Морозова, Елена Бажан, Анна Столярова, Ишхан Расоев и Олег Шадурко. Миротворцы выразили готовность поддерживать свой высокий статус и распространять идеи мира, любви и понимания по всей Земле.

Также в рамках мероприятия прошла выставка художника Алекса Че «Миротворец». В знак солидарности с идеями конференции художник подарил Дипломатическому клубу картину «Создание МИДа».

Георгий Коротков, писатель и бизнесмен выступил с презентацией собственного бренда натуральной косметики и пищевых добавок, основанного на синтезе корейского и российского опыта, а психолог Олег Шадурко в ходе своего выступления отметил, что мир на земле начинается с мира внутри человека, и чтобы достичь его человеку нужно изменить негативные модели мышления, такие как расизм, ненависть, ревность на позитивные, такие как прощение, принятие, любовь.

Мы благодарим наших партнёров за помощь в организации конференции и верим, что она стала ещё одним шагом на пути к миру во всем мире!

Political and Social Leaders for Human Rights Support: Onlime Conference of the IDC “Amicability”

On December, 9 the International Diplomatic Club "Amicability" organized the international online Conference "Political and Social Leaders for Human Rights Support" dedicated to the World Human RIghts day. Global political and social leaders gathered together to discuss today's problems of Human Rights implementation and to work out possible strategies for Humanity to respect Human Rights. 

Yuliya Prokip, member of the IDC "Amicability" and a twice world champion in Dancesport was the first to speak. Mrs, Prokip presented her research on history of Human Rights Declaration and its importance nowadays. She stated that respecting Human Rights is inevitable to achieve Global UN Sustainable Goals and to bring balance in the post COVID-19 world.

The President of the International Brics Forum Purnima Anand added that in order to provide and defend Human Rights unity of social leaders is important. Especially significant in this connection are different types of conferences, which promote people-to-people diplomacy. Mrs. Anand also paid attention to the fact that nowadays, during the lockdown humanity must find balance between anti-COVID measures and basic human freedoms. 

Abdul Basit Syed, the Vice-President of the IDC "Amicability and the President of the World Humanitarian Drive noted the need to rise awareness of Human Rights around the world. Mr. Syed listed three main objectives of modern Human Rights agenda: education, trade harmony and peace. By reaching them humanity will achieve true progress in Human Rights Sphere.

Dr. Asif Iqbal dwelled on the theme of the connection between pandemic and Human Rights. Nowadays the COVID-19 is a global challenge for the whole world, which implies the need to pay special attention on respecting Human Rights. Dr. Iqbal then raised another important problem connected with Human Rights - situation in Crimea, and stated that international society should take measures to solve it.

The special guest of the Conference was Dr. Martin Weightman, the representative of the EU, who gave more than 20 years of his life to advocating Human Rights. Dr. Weightman gave an overview of the present situation with Human Rights and claimed that Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a manifestation of principles of individual spiritual integrity, which were long formed through religions and social leaders and which we now must respect and promote. Dr. Weightman thinks that alothough humanity now is not an integrated society and we are far from it, we must pursue Human Rights because it it the basic aim of humanism.

Jagdish Sewhani, specialist in sphere of Indian-American integration noted that vaccine against COVID-19 is now a crucial thing for humanity.

The representative of Bulgaria, Plamena Zayachka, said that international system of democracies and Human Rights are now in threat because of COVID-19, and civil organizations and covil society are main actors in providing respect of human rights on all levels.

At the end of the conference the President of the IDC "Amicability" Sergey Dvoryanov proposed to prepare one common document, where common principles and aims of social leaders in sphere of human rights will be written. Later it will be presented on the UN platform.

The final chord was a peace pledge organized by the World Humanitarian Drive. All participants of the Conference stated their awareness of human rights and proclaimed their honest and humanistic desire to respect and promote these rights around the world.

We thank all participants for their outstanding performances and are looking forward to our common future events!

Cooperation between the International diplomatic club “Amcability” and investment companies “Blagopoluchie” and “Intelexglobal”

The International Diplomatic Club "Amicability" is happy to announce the beginning of a strategic partnership with the investment company "Blagopoluchie" and welcome its leaders Vitaly Pavlov and Rustam Ostapov in our Club.

Vitaly Pavlov is the founder of the investment company "Blagopoluchie" and co-founder of the International investment company "IntelexGlobal". Rustam Ostapov is a co-founder of the international investment company "IntelexGlobal" and a development adviser of the investment company "Blagopoluchie".

Investment companies "Blagopoluchiye" and "IntelexGlobal" are successful and developing enterprises that provide its clients with stable and transparent income from the money invested. Over the years, companies have proven their reliability and we believe that our cooperation will bring success to all parties.

Сотрудничество Международного дипломатического клуба “Amicability” и инвестиционных компаний “Благополучие” и “Intelexglobal”

Международный дипломатический клуб «Amicability» рад объявить о начале стратегического партнёрства с инвестиционной компанией «Благополучие» и Международной инвестиционной компанией "Intelex global", а также принять в свои члены её руководителей: Виталия Павлова и Рустама Остапова.

Виталий Павлов является основателем инвестиционной компании «Благополучие» и соучредителем Международной инвестиционной компании "IntelexGlobal”. Рустам Остапов - соучредитель Международной инвестиционной компании "IntelexGlobal" и советник по вопросам развития инвестиционной компании «Благополучие».

Инвестиционные компании "Благополучие" и "IntelexGlobal" являются успешными и развивающимся предприятиями, которое обеспечивают своим клиентам стабильный и прозрачный доход от вложенных денег. За годы работы компании доказали свою надёжности и мы верим в то, что наше сотрудничество принесёт успех всем сторонам.

UNIDO Conference: Women and Youth

The international UNIDO conference dedicated to development of women's and youth agenda in cooperation between state, business, public associations and academic community was held on November, 27. The pandemic has accelerated the process of digitalization of the entire society and economy, in particular, which, on the one hand, provides us all with great opportunities, but, on the other hand, carries the risk of a gap between those who can adapt to the new reality and those who cannot. The participants of the conference, who represent various spheres of public life, tried to provide answers to the questions of the global agenda that the world faces today in the context of women and youth development.

Sergei Dvoryanov, the Chairman of the International Diplomatic Club “Amicability” in his speech noted that during such a difficult year, public diplomacy has been a global instrument that gives us hope that we can overcome the current crisis. Mr. Dvoryanov also stressed that new remote formats of international interaction allow establishing communication with no borders. During the pandemic, the diplomatic club managed to present the global agenda by adapting to new realities and by holding many online conferences, which were dedicated to important topics of our time. During the dialogue, the conference participants realized that each of us has universal spiritual values ​​that unite us all. It is them that should be the basis for public diplomacy and soft power, which will unite humanity in such a difficult time and help to overcome the crisis. At the conference the event of the Diplomatic Club "Neptune Floating Villa" on December, 17 with the participation of the world-famous producer RedOne was also announced.

Concerning women and youth agenda, important speeches have been also delivered by Veronika Peshkova and Svetlana Malkarova. Mrs. Peshkova, a UNIDO Goodwill Ambassador and the president of the "Women's view" Foundation mentioned that today cooperation with the UNIDO and the UNESCO is an opportunity, which every country can use to aquire new partners and to develop its own pollibilities. Mrs. Peshkova also said that nowadays the organisations work on women agenda which make them a driver for the whole world. Mrs. Malkarova, a vice-rector of the State University of Management, also advocated the empowermant of women and youth nowadays and argued that it is crucial to work together on the global goals at such hard times.

There have been many initiatives from other speakers which will help in achieving the UN Global Sustainable Development Goals, in which women and youth play an essential role. Besides, both foreign and Russian speakers spoke about the need for international cooperation and the need for searching for new partners, which will help in solving modern global tasks.

The International Diplomatic Club "Amicability" expresses its gratitude to the organizers of the conference for the opportunity to take part in an exchange of views on such important issues of today and looks forward to further cooperation with UNIDO in the field of public diplomacy.

Награждение дипломата из Сомали: Россия и Африка – стратегическое сотрудничество и взаимовыгодное партнёрство во всех сферах

Международный дипломатический клуб "Amicability" и Международный Альянс народов мира провели совместное заседание, на котором был награжден орденом BRICS International Forum & BRICS+ дипломат из Республики Сомали - Господин Isse Mohamud Gure

Дипломат отметил, что это событие является не только подтверждением наших долгосрочных дружеских отношений с Дипломатическим клубом, но и говорит о высоком уровне партнёрства между нашими странами в целом.

Сомали - небольшое развивающееся государство, население которого составляет около 15 млн человек. В стране развито сельское хозяйство, в частности, Сомали является крупным поставщиком мясной продукции, а также смол, таких как ладан и смирна. Развивается строительство, промышленность и системы телекоммуникаций.

Сегодня Россия является важным партнёром множества африканских стран: Россия и Эфиопия планируют совместное строительство атомной электростанции, проводится сотрудничество с Марокко, Республикой Нигер, Республикой Конго и другими странами в сфере энергетики; в Республику Гвинея, в Демократическую Республику Конго и в другие страны активно привлекаются инвестиции. Россия помогает Африке не только с экономической, но и с политической точки зрения, помогая странам в военной сфере и тем самым укрепляя их стабильности и территориальную целостность.

Россия всегда поддерживала и Сомали, так, в первые годы независимости страны ей была оказана значительная материальная и политическая поддержка, что позволило укрепить молодое государство. Многие студенты получили образование и даже работали в Советском Союзе, что говорило об очень высоком уровне отношений. Сегодня Сомали также заинтересована в совместных проектах с Россией: Россия поддерживает Сомали в борьбе с терроризмом, развивается культурное сотрудничество между странами, и проводятся меры для привлечения в страну российских инвестиций. Перспективность экономического взаимодействия стран была ещё раз подтверждена в ходе форума Россия-Африка, который прошёл в Сочи в 2019 году.

Сомали заинтересована в диалоге с другими странами на площадке БРИКС+, где Россия также является важным участником наравне с другой африканской страной - ЮАР. Это вновь подтверждает важность Африки для России и для мира в целом. Сегодня БРИКС+ может дать многим развивающимся странам возможность наладить сотрудничество с новыми партнёрами по всему миру, а также обменяться позициями с другими странами для нахождения взаимовыгодных интересов.

Дипломат поблагодарил Международный дипломатический клуб «Amicability» и пожелал, чтобы в дальнейшем наши связи становились только прочнее.