Политическая конференци во Львове

Ингрид Ким приняла участие в 129 встрече исполнительного комитета демократического молодежного сообщества demyc


Dear ladies and gentlemen, experts, participants of this representative international forum. Dear friends! Hello to everyone, have a nice day and good mood! We have an honor to solemnly present for you our global strengthgaining project – the International Diplomatic Club "Amicability". The purpose of our club is a search of universal values which can and will unite people in several aspects: social, cultural, economic, etc. In modern science there is such concept – "anthropological universalism", in other words – unity of all people to what race, tradition, religion, country and political movement they didn't belong. All people want to love and be dear to somebody, all people want a peaceful sky over the head, all people want to sing songs and to celebrate holidays, and all people want to admire beauty. Our club – is a movement of harmony straight into the heart. We look for what unites us – through culture and art, through painting and poetry, through dialogue and discussion. And for sure – we’ll succeed in it.

Now,couple of words about ideology.It’s quite simple, but clear and efficient – enlightenment, increase in human capital investments, dialogue on the basis of cultural values. The culture and art are capable to increase humanity degree in society. The most important that it would be desirable to emphasize – we live in the interdependent and, therefore, twisted, complex world. It’s very similar to the so-called "butterfly effect". Words of the diplomat are a "butterfly effect"as well, it may seem to someone that it’s just only words, but actually they are capable of savingmany thousands lives. The one, who realized, that we live in the interdependent complex worldworld – has reached the utmost freedom. Because the true freedom – is freedom in love and service. It is freedom in grace, in overcoming of egoism, including national collective egoism. Not without reason our club is called "Amicability". In Ukrainian the word "friend" sounds as "my buddy". Think – even in the etymology and lexica the sense of this deep concept is pledged – friendship is what pleases our soul, what makes us cheer and joyful, and hostility,which destroys our soul. I believe that any crisis is surmountable. The ultimate crisis of all – crisis of faith in Good. If at least one humanheart changes through kindness and will be filled with Love – it will already be a global victory from the point of view of Eternity.

I wish you all belief that the Good will overcome all barriers. I want to finish the performance as to this national diplomat, the quote of the Russian poet FedorTyutchev: "The world announced by oracle of our days, perhaps is salvaged by iron only and blood, but we will try to solder it with love, and there we will look, which one is stronger. Lovewillsavetheworld!" Allthanks, tenderlyweask!